Thursday, March 25, 2010

On a regular Wednesday afternoon, just like any other... herb garden was born! I have this cute little rock patch next to the stairs leading to my front porch-

-which made for a PERFECT faux graveyard on Halloween...

....but yesterday afternoon was the first pretty one in quite a while, so Taylor and I up and decided to plant an herb garden there instead. :)

After a couple hours of picking up pebbles, tilling the soil, having several earthworms tossed my way...a substantial trip to Lowe's for top soil, plant food, and HERBS....the garden was born. I can't wait to start harvesting and using home-grown herbs in my dishes. It will be so much more satisfying than using the uberexpensive packaged herbs from the grocery store.

From top to bottom, left to right: Rosemary, Basil, Tarragon, Cilantro, Dill, Curly Parsley, German and Lemon Thyme, Cayenne Peppers, and Jalapenos.

View from the porch.

Take a couple hours (seriously! That's all it took!) on the next pretty afternoon to make your own little garden. Gardening is a good form of excercise, forces you to get off the computer and spend some time in the great outdoors, encourages a healthier lifestyle by making fresh herbs/fruits/vegetables readily available to you, reduces stress, and gives you a great sense of accomplishment when your creation flourishes! I'm sold.


The Chef Next Door

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